Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sucked in.

I initially refused to read Twilight or watch the movie, because it just sounded like a bad teenage romance but after a lot of pressure from my sisters, I caved and started reading it this week. I've since found out that it IS a bad teenage romance and I love it! I can't believe it! As soon as I opened the book I was immediately transported back to year 10 (before I dropped out of school) as a moody, hormonal and rebellious misfit. It's been a really fun read. I'm even starting to look forward to watching the movie. Who would've thought it?? It seems kids haven't changed all that much over the last couple of decades after all...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Karate Kid 2010 Movie Mini Review:
Wil & Jada's little kid has it made (Gee, he's like his dad!). Jackie Chan is lovely. Parts of China are really beautiful. Good casting except for the mum, but only average screenwriting and sub-prime direction.
I think part of the reason the first Karate Kid series was so believable was because it was a slightly older boy and there weren't CGI effects available. This movie asks a lot from the viewer - there were lots of unnecessary bits clogging up the character development. Most important: The camera should not be a competitor in the fights - it should just be watching! Got motion sickness from the camera's flicks and spins while I should have been marvelling at Jackie Chan's kung fu! Show me the Kung Fu!!
I give it one happy face for the kids and one sad face for the rest.
: )
: (

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I can make my own bread! How cool! It was a bit dry & crumbly but better than damper & looked great! I think this loaf cost me about a dollar to make. A couple more practice goes & we'll be able to use it for sandwiches I think! This lot should be fine for making french toast. Next time I'll get fancy & put some grains & seeds into it. Right now I'm making Beef Bourguinon instead of finishing my assignment that's due first thing Tuesday. Smells delicious.