Thursday, January 07, 2010

2010 is here and I've only got nine units to go until I complete my degree!
And I've just enrolled in two so at the end of the semester there'll only be 7 left! Which is just under a year full time. How exciting! Maybe I can look into taking a year's leave without pay & studying my butt off at the end of the fin year. I cannot wait until I'm finished. Maybe I can get into the public service as a graduate.. I'll have to look into that because I'm on a higher wicket than a 1st year grad would be, but I might be able to move up quickly...
Saw La Vie En Rose the other night & was inspired to learn French. I was so surprised that they didn't subtitle the lyrics of the songs! That's a very important part of the story! Anyway, I told my French friend that I already know lots of French so it shouldn't be too hard to pick up.
Well, I do!
- Croissant
- Oui
- Moi
- Excuse Moi
- Merci
- Chateau
- Bonjour

etc etc! .. How hard can the rest be??