Sunday, April 03, 2011

I named my little car Hermes when I first bought it, although a few people mis-heard me and asked why I would call my car herpes. So I don't call him that very much any more. Anyway, little Hermes is in the shop today for repairs. Was not my fault. I love my Nissan Micra, but the bumper bar at the front sticks out quite a long way past the headlights and people keep putting dings in it.
Looks lovely outside, last night was quite cold. We bought a little machine which makes steam & humidifies the room (a humidifier?) and used eucalyptus oil in it. It seems to have cleared up my cold really well! Not much of a cough left which is great :)
I am not looking forward to Winter, although I'm looking forward to meeting my baby & that will happen in Winter so I guess that makes it worthwhile.