Monday, November 29, 2010

Amazing News.
Here we go.. I was going to wait a few more days to announce this, but we've been so excited we've kind of already told most people anyway. We're having a 12 week scan of our baby this Friday. It's due next June. I've been lucky enough to get into the only birthing clinic in town; only 20 women a month can get in so we are very lucky indeed. I haven't been too sick - only a few days where I was actually sick & mostly it's just been waves of nausea & fatigue. I did have to postpone my karate grading & I've decided against going to the Neil Diamond concert next Feb. John Farnham really took it out of me a few weeks ago & I don't want to put that much pressure on little "Rex" again. We're already going to Tasmania in Feb so that'll probably be enough of an adventure for me.
So Moda & I will be parents. I'm still a little blown away. Very exciting also; my brother & sister in law are also expecting their 1st next year. So the new little cousins will only be a couple of months apart. Awesome.
Do I miss being able to eat anything? Not really - I haven't felt like alcohol at all & I'm still enjoying lovely hard cheeses. I think the only thing I've really missed is mayonnaise which is weird because I don't often have it anyway. I've been eating a lot of fruit juice iceblocks. I'm looking forward to actually looking pregnant, because even though I have a tiny potbelly it's not very noticeable yet. I also had a girlfriend drop off a heap of maternity clothes including corporate wear so I don't think I'll have to spend a penny on that either :)
I shall keep you posted on Rex's progress.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

History repeating itself
The last few weeks have been a blur. A quick work trip to Perth was awesome, but mostly because I got to see my Nana. She seems very happy and timid and a bit clingy. It could be because she's losing her sight I suppose. It's a pretty cool story: we suspect her mother may not have been her biological mother. She seems to be older than she claims and her official records don't appear to add up. This "step" mother was really horrible to her actually and her little brother often stepped between them during fights. This mean lady who raised her was also unfaithful to her husband (my great-grandfather I suppose) with a farmhand and one day the husband came home to find his wife and the farmhand in a compromising position.. There was understandably a huge fight and my great-grandfather smashed a hurricane lamp over his employee's head, resulting in the whole farm house being burned to the ground. He went to court and was sentenced to some years in prison, but he asked the judge for a stay of two weeks so he could get his two children organised as he couldn't leave them with his wife. The judge agreed and my grandmother and great uncle were placed into a catholic orphanage near subiaco. My grandmother was a teenager, but she was put into the same class as the kindergartners because she couldn't yet read or write. After a few years she wrote to her father in prison, thanking him for sending her there and advising that she was so well looked after and loved that she decided she wanted to become a nun. He received her letter and packed her straight up to basically be a mail-order bride for a mining community (think "paint your wagon" at 16 years old! Poor little girl. She married my grandfather and had 6 boys and a masectomy by about 25 years of age. Apparently they just used to lop them off in those days if there were any lumps or difficulties with them. Now as a 90 year old, she's living in a retirement home and guess what - it's the SAME old orphanage that she grew up in and loved!! I'll stick a pic of it up here. Pretty amazing story. I'll get it all down more accurately from my father one of these days.
Also have one more essay and one exam and then the school year is over. Come on 3rd of December - can't wait for it to come around! How exciting!