Thursday, June 02, 2011

Kitchen floors are in, phew! Nearly a catastrophe, the floor guys accidentally mixed in a box of the wrong tiles but they noticed that some were shiny & some weren't before the glue dried.. Lucky!! So they got the wrong ones out & fixed everything & it looks great now. They just need to come back on Monday to put the little strips in between the tiles & the timber floor in the lounge room. Two weeks to go until bub is due, so we got the floor in just in time :)

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

New Kitchen Floors!
Our new vinyl floor is being installed today, very exciting! Once it's finished we can put the dishwasher, oven & fridge back and have a working kitchen again! Eating microwaved food or takeaway every night is fun for a week or two but it gets old pretty quickly. I'm hankering for a big bowl of pasta. Eventually we'll need new bench tops too, but that can wait a bit. We're getting the floors done just in time - Rex is due in about 15 days and seems to have run out of room. There's lots of movement & trying to get comfy. Can't be long now. Also, once the floors are done we can get all the server stuff out of the nursery & finally set that up properly.
Went to see "Babies" at Dendy yesterday. It was ok, but since it wasn't actually a documentary with a storyline, I think it was a bit long. It was basically an hour and a half of baby footage. That's it. Another one that we saw this week was "Firebreather", which I quite liked. Probably aimed at young teenagers, but that's ok. Speaking of movies for teens, I'm really looking forward to the next Twilight but I don't think it's out until November.