Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rained out.
African day pretty much got rained out today. We spent the morning driving around, looking at new window frames (so we can get rid of our old timber ones) and popped into the Narrabundah oval to see what was happening there. At least they had some hot food available - we had a black-eyed bean cake each and bought some yummy red beef casserole in a takeaway container that we'll have for tea. They only had light beer available there - no water or softdrink so we shared one of those too. As we were leaving some people started playing drums which was cool. Other than that, bit of a bust really. Shame. Nevermind! There's always next year. Yay for African Day anyway.


Unknown said...

hello - is this really you?

Oona Do said...

Erm, yes it is :D
But I can't see yours - where are you?