Band Camp Moda & I & some good friends of ours spent the last week in Bellingen at Camp Creative. It was great! Apparently about 1200 people in 60 classes this year. We both did singing lessons - my lessons were for "gypsy rom a capella". I learned that the term gypsy is actually derogatory and they prefer to be called "Romany" people. We were very lucky in the recent floods that caned QLD & much of northern NSW. The Bellingen river flooded on Tuesday and we couldn't get across the bridge into town so we spent that day at the cottage & missed out on our lesson. But it was only one day and it was such a lovely place so we really didn't mind at all.
I can't believe I'm back at work tomorrow. It's great to be home, but it was a fantastic holiday. If we can afford it, I'd like to go again next year.
We saw so much wildlife - there was even a big diamond python basking in the sun just outside the cottage door on one of the days. Tree frogs and a giant grasshopper jammed with us on the porch at night. Moda picked up two leeches (on his clothes) in a rainforest and got absolutely eaten alive by mozzies. They love him!! If you're ever in the area I'd highly recommend the Maddesford cottages.
There were several concerts held during the week and David Helfgott (a patron of the camp) played for us on the Wednesday night. Ever seen the movie "Shine"? He is a very, very unique man. Very distracted & touchy-feely. But a wonderful musician. Moda & I, & our songwriting friend also performed. If the footage is any good I might even post it on here.
Was also a perfect chance to catch up with family that we don't often get to see. We had a beautiful salad with them on the way up (that I must learn to make) and then a week later had morning tea on the way home. Shame we couldn't take a bit longer & drive up to Brissie to see the rest of them!