My puppy has Seasonal Adjustment Disorder. I completely forgot until I complained to Moda this morning that she's been insane lately & he reminded me. She gets very sooky at this time of year, much more than usual. Always trying to climb into my lap regardless of whether I'm watching tv or standing in the kitchen cooking dinner. I suppose she could also be a bit down because we were away on the weekend, but she wasn't alone - she had two dog sitters so she should be fine. It's getting colder overnight; down to zero degrees the other day. She sleeps outside in a big warm (insulated) kennel that Moda built specially for her.
Funny girl. Last time I took her to the vet they told me I'd have to start feeding her senior's food this year. She's only 7! In fact she'll be 7 in about 2 months. There's a little male kelpie across the road that she's made friends with. He's out of his yard all the time and he comes up to our gate to visit her so we generally let him into the courtyard. He's only young - maybe 2 or 3 so he gets a bit excited and she can only handle him for 10 mins or so before she gets sick of him. When she's tired of playing she ignores him; turns her back and he starts barking. We let her in and tell him to go home.... Like sand through the hourglass and all that.